Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Descriptive written with technology !
The Smsung freeform 2 has a style of its own with a professional design. This phone is not to big, not to small. The freeform 2 features a full qwerity key board free expess messaging. The qwerity board has a slight bump to it. If you take a look at my phone you'll see its edges have a sharp end, the screen is slick. As u rub the back of the freeform 2 it is smooth. The color of the freeform 2 is Black ! As u take another look at my phone you'll see a picture of me that is set up as my walpaper, you can also access to contacts and menu by pressing on the upper right hand button, ans far as menu, its the upper lefy hand button. As you look at the screen you will a\see the display of the date and time. The samsung 2 is a smooth and slick phone. There is a volume button on the left side of the phone. which is able to go on silence, low, and medium/high. On the right side to of the samsung has a headset connector. one the features i access is the webbrowser.
7major steps to fix a flat from a bike. By:Jose Tostado
- Flip your bike over upside down. Thehandle bars and seat have to be in the floor holding up your bike so the weels would be ready to screw off.
- Grab the ranch and unscrew the screws off the weel that haves the flat.
- Once you took both screws off the weel grab your tire and remove it of the rim with one hand grab your tire with the other hand grab the rim in the tire well pop out one side then you pop the other side out by pulling the tire off the rim.
- Once you the tire off the rim then you well put in the new inner tube that you bought for your flat tire.inside the tire then carefully put in the tire with the iner tube inside on the rim.
- Once you have the tire in the rim you follow the next step wich is grabbing your ranch and the two scres you screwed off the weel.
- Once you have in hand youre tool place the weel back on the bike. Once its in you know whats next screw in the screws but real hard and tight.
- Then finally final step to fix a flat on a bike is grab your air pump an put it in the tube from your nike.Lock the pump so the air well only go inside the flat tire. pump real hard intell you feel your tire hard enough.
The expiernce that changed me. By:Jose Tostado
One expiernce that changed me was when i first got shot at .What happened was me and three of my friends were hanging out in the block like around 10:00pm . We were just having fun you know doing our thing shooting dices and conversating bumping music.When two car's roll up and one guy gets off one car from the back seat then the second guy jump's out the second car in i gave my friends the heads up and let them know that the enemies is runing up straped up with aka's but one of the homies thought i was joking around like always and they start shooting at us from across the street wich is like 13 feets away i guess it was the homies turn to go visit hell or heven who knows but one thing i do know they cought my boy sleaping. Me and the other two friends that made it threw the shoot out went their own ways one got home and the other homie chucky was getting chase all over the hood and i just happend to end up by my girls house so you know i did my thing . Evantually we got the guys who did my boy like that.They ended up getting gunned down two weeks later sleaping in they nighborhood.I learned alot from it espicially the way i lost a friend torse gangbanging ."If you want to last be the first to blast". Now i look all ways from left to right when i step out my house becaouse things is hot in the block you got to stay on your toes at all times an other words becarefull out there in the danger zone.I stair at every single car that passes by me quick to identify who they are.An other words i lost all the trust i had torse the block i got to be real carefull now if you know what i mean.Who ever is out ther gangbanging hey all i got to say is becarefull and keep it gangster.
"My Funny Experience i had" By:??? =)
My experience I have had I would say when I was practicing how to use a skateboard. And the skateboard I was practicing on was those type of skateboards that were like plastics.And I started practicing on that skateboard. And i started to get the hang off it of how to use the skateboard. And when i was practicing how to use the skateboard I was at my auntie house with my Lil cousin. And the funniest part was that when I was practicing how to use the skateboard I felt to the floor like them people fall with one hand up and feet to the side. And when I fell I thought I was gonna cry but instead of cryng I busted out cracking up of myself cause the way I fell and it was funny. But since that i haven't practice no more or used a skateboard lol... But that's one of my experience i had and funniest...
Stephanie's Room
Stephanie's room is sky blue with a white wall. The room has a white door. Behind the white door there is Stephanie's bed. Her bed is a twin bed with pinks sheets. Next to the bed is a movie furniture where she keeps her movies. Next is the closet, where she keeps her shoes and clothes, Also important papers.
There is a brown furniture, its squared very heavy too. Under or between it there's a basketball and a soccer ball. On top of the squared furniture there is a furniture of two drawer where her sister keeps some of her clothes. Its light brown with tan on it. On top of these drawer's there is our medium sized t.v. its black. On top of the t.v. there is the VHS/DVD player its silver.
On the side of all these items is our AT&T internet box. It's a white small box. Then next to that is our second t.v. its a big silver t.v. on the bottom of it there's a burgundy furniture holding the t.v. The window is right next to it. Our window is pretty wide but not too tall. It shows the back of the house next to ours. It also gives us a view of our orange tree, Next to the window is my sisters bed. Her name is Amber, her bed is also a twin. Amber's bed had red sheets. It's furniture is white like mine. Next to her bed there is a big green basket with some of her clothes, there is a furniture its white divided into 3 different space and she also has clothes there.
Now to the gray stand that has 3 divided parts and on 2 of the rows Amber keeps her shoes. The first and second row, on the 3rd she keeps her old school books that she past had in classes. On top of the stand the surface is flat so there is another gray basket where Amber keeps her dirty clothes. Right on top of that there is a nail in the wall that is holding my black soccer shoes.
Then were back to the door of my room. My door is in front of our second restroom. That's all of my room
the land of ever lasting spring-by: steve castellon
The Land of Ever Lasting Spring
One of my most life changing moments was at the land of ever lasting spring. Out the jet window there are mountains and villages as far as the eye can see. On the drive to my familie’s village I passed through and from urban rush hour to old village forest area on a skinny little road only enough for 1 lane in each direction of the road. As always the weather is always good and sunny. We had to go so far in to the jungle and mountain area that we even had to get off the car to cross a river called the “MOTAGUA” by boat. After crossing the river my grandma “Mamachus”, my uncle “Yan”, and my auntie “Sofia” were waiting for me in an old jeep like truck . This was the first time I had met my family from my mom’s side. Ahead of us awaited 1 lonely road surrounded by jungle and mountains only enough for one car to pass by at a time. After a 45 minute ride up in to the mountain we were almost all the way to the top when we arrived at my auntie Sofia’s house. A house with some walls made out of fence instead of dry wall, since the weather was always so good here I guess they didn’t need real walls only roofs and barriers I guess. That was a momentary stop after a few minutes we continued up the road for about ten minutes when we finally got to the entrance of my grandma’s house. 2 big gates stood before a 200 yard entrance road that led up to a 70 foot hill where my grandma’s house stood. My grandma’s house was way bigger than my auntie’s house and there was a lot of room to play too. It was an old school Guatemala style farm with horses, pigs, cows, calves, chickens, ducks, dogs, and even a bull. The first night was my worst night there. In the night a bat snuck in to the room where I was sleeping at through a crack by the roof. All night as I lay there awake with the covers over my head due to the fact that the bat kept swooping down on my head trying to get a bit out of me, I thought to my self how can someone sleep so comfortable without sheets in a time like this and I am saying this because my cousin was sleeping on the bed right next to mines without covers fast asleep. As the first few roosters cocked my cousin was up and ready with his boots on waking me up to go get the cows, the sun had not even came out yet. Taking all 17 cows to the coral and starting off early on the milking is my cousins job. After a 30 minute head start it is already 6 in the morning and my uncle is awake and read to start milking. Milking is not as easy as it looks. After 2 hours of milking they are finished and my cousin is now loading the milk on to a horse to take it to the entrance of the house where the main road is and where it will be picked up and weighed every morning at 7 in the morning because after every month they add up all the milk and pay the suppliers which would be my family. After milking it’s break feast time and then back to work on other lands though. This is every day life in this part of town and can be rewarded with free milk, a couple pounds of muscle, and a quiet place to think or do whatever you feel like. The only times you left the village was when you needed to get more living supplies for everyday life. For this we went to “MORALES”, a shopping center with at least a 10 mile radius. So far the biggest shopping center I have ever been to, but it is not only a shopping center it is a place of business and banks too. I traveled here many times in my trip. After about a month in my village I wanted to explore more. So I traveled to cities, villages, and other mountains to visit more family. In my time here I went to one of the most holiest catholic church in all of Guatemala. I learned how to ride horses, work hard, respect people and nature, and raise my awareness of all the poverty in the world. It made me realize the real joys of life through an other perspective. Also I lost my passport almost as soon as I stepped in to Guatemala so I also learned the importance of responsibility.
Wutzz the deal my name is SHAVONNA LAVONICA DAILEY &'dd im 17 years old my birthday is August 04, 1993 i will soon be 18 in a matter of months. My favorite color is Purple.I am only 5'0 I have brown eyes and when im mad they change to a light brown color. My hair is Brown and sometimes burgendy in the sun. My favorite food is enchilada. I have a very sweet personality and mostly everybody gets along with me. I have a boyfriend(something like that)...but anyways off him i Love to go to thee club with my other family and i have 1 girlfriend by the name of selina she is sweet and i love her alot.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
FAR AWAY!!! by: Shavonna Dailey
I remember when I was around 3 years old my mother Patricia A. Owens used to be the one I looked up to. Everynight when my dad wanted to take me to his house I would cry and beg to go home. He really hated when I did that, I guess he wanted to spend time with me. Then when I finally got back home and seen my mama my frown turned downside up. My mother was my role model. I loved her so much and never wanted to be away from her.
My mother meant the world to me and I meant the world to her, until the day I had to see her in the hospital and hear her tell me "Shavonna I want you to stay sweet and treat Izzie Lee nice I Love You so much Tugga Wugga you're mommy's little angel" Then she kissed me and gave me a hug.
One sunny morning my aunt Izzie took me to 115th and Vermont everybody was dressed up and smelling good then I asked her " Auntie where we at? Where my mommy at?" All my aunt could do was ignore my question. As we walked in the place, I seen my mom laying in a pretty box. I didn't understand at the time what was going on until I got around 8 years old.
Now im 17 and my life has changed dramaticly. I have no one to look up to. It's hard not to have a mother. No matter what goes on in my life I will never forget my mom. My dad doesn't care about me, but I don't care I have God and Faith to keep my head up.
I don't go a day without thinking about my mother I still find myself crying over her. I loved her unconditionally and I always will, until the day my soul is layed to rest. I LOVE YOU MOMMY AND IT'S HARD IN THIS WORLD WITHOUT YOU, SOMETIMES I WISH I WAS UP THERE WITH YOU...
My mother meant the world to me and I meant the world to her, until the day I had to see her in the hospital and hear her tell me "Shavonna I want you to stay sweet and treat Izzie Lee nice I Love You so much Tugga Wugga you're mommy's little angel" Then she kissed me and gave me a hug.
One sunny morning my aunt Izzie took me to 115th and Vermont everybody was dressed up and smelling good then I asked her " Auntie where we at? Where my mommy at?" All my aunt could do was ignore my question. As we walked in the place, I seen my mom laying in a pretty box. I didn't understand at the time what was going on until I got around 8 years old.
Now im 17 and my life has changed dramaticly. I have no one to look up to. It's hard not to have a mother. No matter what goes on in my life I will never forget my mom. My dad doesn't care about me, but I don't care I have God and Faith to keep my head up.
I don't go a day without thinking about my mother I still find myself crying over her. I loved her unconditionally and I always will, until the day my soul is layed to rest. I LOVE YOU MOMMY AND IT'S HARD IN THIS WORLD WITHOUT YOU, SOMETIMES I WISH I WAS UP THERE WITH YOU...
November 7,2007
Nov 7, 2007 was the worst day of my life and i also felt as if it was the
last day of my life. On Nov 7, 2007 around 3:00 am my aunt recieved
the most devastating phone call of the day. It was the hospital informing
her that her sister had past. So waking me out of my sleep in the middle
of the night, telling me that my mother had past. Felt like the baddest
dream ever. But what only made it worst was that it wasnt a dream it
was real life. From that day on i felt like i lost the most important person
in my life. Not only did i lose my mother but i lost my best friend ,my
heart and my most visible creater. Which means my creater besides god.
I never knew how it felt to lose someone that close to you, but i knew it
wouldnt be the best thing to experience. As i grew older i grew to understand
that shes now in a better place. So from that day foward i learned that
everything and everyone doesnt last forever. Thats why we have to just
live and learn and always be grateful for what we do and what we dont have.
And for those who are in our life and willing to help us .
last day of my life. On Nov 7, 2007 around 3:00 am my aunt recieved
the most devastating phone call of the day. It was the hospital informing
her that her sister had past. So waking me out of my sleep in the middle
of the night, telling me that my mother had past. Felt like the baddest
dream ever. But what only made it worst was that it wasnt a dream it
was real life. From that day on i felt like i lost the most important person
in my life. Not only did i lose my mother but i lost my best friend ,my
heart and my most visible creater. Which means my creater besides god.
I never knew how it felt to lose someone that close to you, but i knew it
wouldnt be the best thing to experience. As i grew older i grew to understand
that shes now in a better place. So from that day foward i learned that
everything and everyone doesnt last forever. Thats why we have to just
live and learn and always be grateful for what we do and what we dont have.
And for those who are in our life and willing to help us .
My Descriptive By Edwin Castaneda
When I enter my room, I see my shoes and cloth thrown around. It smells bad and musty. Seems like a tornado hit my room. I clean up my room, fix everything where it's suppose to go, it smells fresh. It even makes me want to stay there forever. My bed is on the right side of the corner. All you can hear in the inside of my home is birds, and cars turning on. My color of my walls is as white as the clouds. The color of the roof is as light blue as the blue sky.
The colors of the four walls and the roof are just like the ocean, makes me visualize it much. I really like how my room looks like when it's day light. I would keep my room clean, so it could look good.
The colors of the four walls and the roof are just like the ocean, makes me visualize it much. I really like how my room looks like when it's day light. I would keep my room clean, so it could look good.
lifes Change
Everything happen so fast. A momment to another it was a firday after noon i was with the homeboys and we were going to mob up the hood. So we went out that night .So mah homie got out of the car and walked over to the wall of the skool..and he had open the spray can and i walk over to the cornor to look out.
I was in the cornor wen i seen a guy just started to hit mah i lost it because he was one of mah close homieboys. So thats wen i ran up and i started to hit him and they said i had a stick in mah hands. So i blacked out and they were holdng me back because he look all mest up. after that we all scared lke rats we heard the sirec of the copes that were comeding to get us. I was on the run for like 3 days i went to the hoime malos pad. I stayed there for like two days. The next day.i went tomah house because he told me everything was kool for me to go home so i i went home and i was asleep. Next thing i know the copes rated mah house with out nowhere to run and in side mah head i was thinking i mest up.
Now i find mah self sitting in the day room in east lake and im like wanting to brush in tears but i just couldn't i had to go through this i put mah self in this postition i had to get out. Days had passed and mah court day came and thats wen the judge told me that she wanted to give me the maxium time 11 years in Y/A jr prison. So i still was fighting mah case untill mah last court day apeard...thats wen i plead guilty and they had let me go on a deal to placement. The deal was i had to do good and graduate from there. So i waited 2 weeks for me to be able to leave to placement.
Finally i was on mah way out of central and going to placement into optimist i was kind free and i was feeling good i had to acomplish mah goals and get out of all this mess so i had to get out of the gang stop drugs.and all the negativity. So i was out and i had to do good to get out of placement. So i changed mah life around i had to do good to make my mom proud and do it for mah own good.
the day my life changed
It was a dark and gloomy day.I remember sitting in waiting room thinking and praying that my grandma will be OK.It was so hard just sitting there wondering if she still alive or if she was gone.I was so angry thinking if she did past y wouldn't anyone have gave me a chance to say bye.It was November 24,2008 when the doctor came in and said "would like to say goodbye."When he told me that my heart sank and i just got so angry at the doctor for telling me he couldn't save her.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
my number one
Somebody i will never forget is a woman name Deshawn. she is in her 30's and i guess you could say she is like my mentor and my best friend. i met her when i was 12 years old. my mother was walking me to school one day and we came across her and her husband who were giving out magazines on the street corner because they our Jehovah's Witnesses. Anyways after i met her i would stop to say hi when i would pass her on my way to school with my mom and then i stopped seeing her for a while until a few years later she showed up again when i was 15 years old. when she showed up again me and her began to hang out and spend time together and before i knew it me and her started to become really good friends.we went every where with each other to the movies,the mall,went out to eat at restaurants together we just had a blast. you know most people would think that its weird because i am just a teenager and she is an adult and that we should hang out with people our own age but truth is we don't care about the age difference. we just think of how great of a friend we have in each other.I titled this post my number one because my friend Deshawn truly is my number one.she means the world to me because nobody in this world can take her place.
Around my room
My World by orlando alvarado
My Room
You see a white clean door. You open it, and it smells Good like Airfreshener. There’s a Black Carpet and you see a made bed. Also, you hear music playing and the gate being open, and closed. You Also See clothes hanged neatly in the closet, organized shoes and a big plasma T.v and it smells like brand new clothes. Thers also a big widow with no dust and when its open, you smell the burning of weed/kush being smoked. There’s also a big red drawer and in the night you can hear people Tagging/doing Graffiti in the alley and also hear cats meowing . also you can hear the neighbor coughing because he is smoking. You can hear people talking and chattering in the alley but when you open the window all you smells is we and the smell of piss. Also, you hear people walking downstairs back and forth. Also Sometimes the room smells like Takis. You also See a dirty couch that really needs to be clean and kinda smells like feet.
An Experience
The experience i had was when i fell in love for the first time. on Sept,22,10 i met a girl on my moms wedding. i really liked her and i never thought or imagined it, but it was a love at first sight. she also really liked me so she would be come to my house everyday to go see me. i loved her and she loved me. but, at first she never trusted me because she thought i was a player. i told her i wasnt so she said to prove to her she was the one i love. so i showed her, i stop going to party's everyweek, put my friends infront of her, . but, then she moved to compton and we had discussed about it that we cant be together nomore. because she moved house. i told her it didnt matter to me, i would still go everyweek on the bus just go see her. so then then like a week passed and on a thursday. she called me saying that she thinks its better to be friends because she only gets to see me once a week. not like how she wants to see me. now sometimes i still ask myself if she loved me, and i loved her, what seems to be the problem? the distance dont matter. the day she left me she told me that she left because she dont really get to see me and i asked heris that the reason why, or you found somebody else? she said no its because of what she had told me. The distance
the crazy life by Dominique Taylor
One day on a friday i went to school. When lunch started i went to hang with my friends we start talking and we decided to go to a party that night. When school was over we all went home to get ready for the party. The party started at seven o clock.We finished getting dressed at five o clock. My friends came to my house when they finished getting dressed. When they got too my house we chilled and played games intill the party started. Finally it was almost time to party soo we caught the bus there. We got there and stated partying and having fun. The party was over at tweleve o clock. When the party was over we went to the bus stop we waited at the bus stop for like twenty mintues next thing you know a dark red car drove pass and start shooting at us we all duck.When the car finally drove pass we got up and start running. When we were running we was telling each other is everybody ok and if anybody was shot.Luckaly nobody was shot so we went to the next street and caught the bus. We got on the bu and start talking about what happend.When we got home we told everybody. People was soo glad that we dident get shot. I lerned that life is no joke and that theres no need to party late if my only ride is the bus.
The first time i got busted it was June 3rd,2010 . I woke up from a long night knowing that i had three buses back to the valley so i rushed to get dressed , brushed my teeth and washed my face ,so as I'm walking to my brothers room to let him know i was leaving but before i could make it to his room i remembered i left something back in the guess room . I turned around and sprinted to the room reached under the bed and picked "it" up, threw it in my back pack with relief on my face thinking i almost left "it" ' now im walking back to my brother's room and knocked on his door and quickly opened it and said "A BRO IM GONE"! waking him he replies "iight bruh be careful" ok bro" i said as I'm walking out the door. Walking to the bus stop i see one of my closes boys, shook his hand and continued walking now I'm waiting on the bus , still sleepy i lean back on the bus stop bench and closed my eyes, when the bus came i didn't even notice it but when i opened my eyes i quickly jumped up and wlaked on. After showing the driver my pass i walked to the back of the bus , sat down and leand my head on the window resting my eyes , when i finally made it to the Persian square station i walked off the bus saying thank you to the driver , now I'm walking down stairs to the trains. When i got almost to the platform one of the female officers asked to see my ticket , i didnt have one so i showed her my school bus pass and she let me go, as im walking off taking a deep breath a sheriff stopped me and asked to see my pass again so i took it out my wallet giving it to him , after he looked at it he said "do you know you are required to have i.d with these kind of bus passes or its invalid" ,replying i say "no sir i wasn't aware of that". The officer started walking closer to me grabbing my back pack , i gripped the straps on it looking at him crazy so he snatched it off me and started opening it, taking everything out when he got to the bottom i seen his face change, im started sweating a 'lil and he took out my brand new all crome 2.5 hand gun eith the black handle , asking me me what im doin with it i just turned around and leaned up against the wall ,put my hands behind my back and said "lets go , im ready"
"How my room lookz like" =) by: Yolanda
Well what I see in my room is light yellow walls. And itz all decorated.i have a mirror on the side of my closet. i have the t.v next to the closet and on the end of the t.v theres the another door and that door is the door for the restroom. and on the other side of the wall i have ballons posted up n the i have my bed n then my desk. oh and i was forgetting when u walk in inside of my room i have starz and monkeyz hanging down. And thatz hpw my room looks like.. I have two windows n out of the windows you could see the neighborhood and what u see is a ghetto neighborhood. and u could hear the wind the music if they bump some lol
my block
Natasha's room By: Natasha
In Natasha's room, On the wall there is a mirror hanged high above the bed by the wall. By the mirror against the wall there is a dresser, And on top of the dresser There is a T.V you could hear cars passing by, The helicopter's flying on top of my house, You could smell my moms cooking, A cake in the oven. The kids running around and screaming , Playing video games. You could also smell people burning rubber outside with their cars.
my intresting room by Dominique taylor
In the room theres a smell of flower airfresherner and when you place your feet on the floor theres brown carpet. The color on the walls are white. A thirty two inch tv sit on a stand. A king size bed is placed on the middle of the floor also theres a big white closet.

two black dresers stand on each side of the bed. In the room theres a bathroom when you walk inside you hear a heater going. In the room you can hear chatter from the tv. Family pictures hang on the wall. You could see library books layed out across the floor along with dirty clothes. Nike sneakers are lined up against the closet. Out the window light green trees stand. Theres a white dog with brown spots that sleeps on the bed.
two black dresers stand on each side of the bed. In the room theres a bathroom when you walk inside you hear a heater going. In the room you can hear chatter from the tv. Family pictures hang on the wall. You could see library books layed out across the floor along with dirty clothes. Nike sneakers are lined up against the closet. Out the window light green trees stand. Theres a white dog with brown spots that sleeps on the bed.
1-26-11-desciptive writing- steve castellon
As you approach Ms. Castellon's lovely home you notice two huge pitbulls. Not only are they big but, they seem like very territoriaol dogs. You hear their loud deep bark towards you. As you go up the red stair case you will notice a blue punching bag. The smell of refried beans and overcooked tortillas escapes through the metal screen door. Ms. Castellons loud strict voice thunders with superiority. You walk in and its clean. Old family pictures hang on the white wall
The things i see,hear,and smell in my block. by; Jose Tostado
The things i see in my block are car's from old school Lowriders to new model car's like hummers and
cadillac's , and porche's . You will catch homeless people diging in trash cans looking for can's. I see trash can's out side lined up every thurday morning. Police officers just happened to be patrolling down the nighborhood so you will see police in the block at all times. In my block i see lot's of grafitti on the walls.
My friends be all up in the block in the middle of the street playing basket ball. I see in my block billboard's of food advertisements that be having me feeling hungry especially when they put up the pizza hut bilboards .
Lots of street cats, dogs, and birds are all around the block.
In my block you hear all types of gun shots being fired from gauges, revolvers, teks, and milimeters.
I hear alot of arguments going off in the block. I lesson to the cars crashing wile iam in the block playing ball.
Cars also be burning rubber in the block doing donuts in the middle of the street. What i realy do hear often in the block is helocopters and airplanes flying by. Police sirence and ambulance be going off in the block it's realy annoying but i guess i just got use to it. Every morning my neighbors roosters wake me up. Alot of noice from the dog's barking. little baby's crying . I hear cars playing music. To be honest i can also hear the police engine when they pulling up, it's a one of a kind.
In my block i smell that bomb as carne asada from the taco stand . When i go outside to hang out in my block i smell the food coming from one of the neighbors house.I smell that fire kush in my block when i walk out the door.When i walk down the alley it smells like dead dogs . It also smells real bad when a homeless person pass by me , man they smell bad so i be like forget that alley i'll just post up in the block. If i was to walk down my block torse Central it starts to smell real good like that chicken from church's.
cadillac's , and porche's . You will catch homeless people diging in trash cans looking for can's. I see trash can's out side lined up every thurday morning. Police officers just happened to be patrolling down the nighborhood so you will see police in the block at all times. In my block i see lot's of grafitti on the walls.
My friends be all up in the block in the middle of the street playing basket ball. I see in my block billboard's of food advertisements that be having me feeling hungry especially when they put up the pizza hut bilboards .
Lots of street cats, dogs, and birds are all around the block.
In my block you hear all types of gun shots being fired from gauges, revolvers, teks, and milimeters.
I hear alot of arguments going off in the block. I lesson to the cars crashing wile iam in the block playing ball.
Cars also be burning rubber in the block doing donuts in the middle of the street. What i realy do hear often in the block is helocopters and airplanes flying by. Police sirence and ambulance be going off in the block it's realy annoying but i guess i just got use to it. Every morning my neighbors roosters wake me up. Alot of noice from the dog's barking. little baby's crying . I hear cars playing music. To be honest i can also hear the police engine when they pulling up, it's a one of a kind.
In my block i smell that bomb as carne asada from the taco stand . When i go outside to hang out in my block i smell the food coming from one of the neighbors house.I smell that fire kush in my block when i walk out the door.When i walk down the alley it smells like dead dogs . It also smells real bad when a homeless person pass by me , man they smell bad so i be like forget that alley i'll just post up in the block. If i was to walk down my block torse Central it starts to smell real good like that chicken from church's.
When i first landed a 8 stairs by dennis s.
I remember when i first landed my 8 stairs like five years ago. I remember when i first tried it i ate shit. When i fail to land it & ate shit it didn't really affect beacuse in a way i was already use to falling pretty hard . So after i fail to do it the first time i juss kept trying and trying in tell i did it. After trying so many times i finally land that the 8 stairs. It felt like i had finally accomplish something big because i didnt give up till i landed it.
Grandmother passed away !!! By: Gomez,Ronald
It was sunday morning jan.10,2009 when my grandmother woke up she was really sick she said she was feeling dizzy and she couldnt walk that well. That day my uncle hade came to my house because my mom called him and told what was wrong with my grandma. When he came he started tellin her she she wanted to go to the hospital she said no ,she hates being in the hospital for days so she didnt wanted to go. My mom started crying because ma grandma was starting to lose her voice.
My grandma decided to go to the hospital my mom was happy when my uncle tod her they was going to take my grandma when they took her everyone went accept me because i was on house arrest.I felt disapointed because for what i had done i couldnt go see ma grandma at the hospital. So i stayed alone in my house my friends had came over my house we decided to drink. That night my mom called to see how i was doing i tryed speaking normal but i was just too drunk.She notice that something wasn't right about me so she send my dad to come see what was wrong. I told all my friends they had to leave they all ran out the house. Ihen like 20min later my dad comes i already had clean the house and tooken my self a shower.
when my dad walks in the house he starts looking for me i screamed "im in my room room pops". He opens my door tells me to get up and he starts smeeling around me i tell him i wasnt doing anything bad my mom is tripping. He leaves the house and back too the hospital when he gets there they tell him his mom has died already. He blamed it on me that he didnt even talk to his mom before she past away.and that has always been in my head and its the reason why i do the things i do now in this days. And still gets me in trouble with the law and end up in jail for months.
My grandma decided to go to the hospital my mom was happy when my uncle tod her they was going to take my grandma when they took her everyone went accept me because i was on house arrest.I felt disapointed because for what i had done i couldnt go see ma grandma at the hospital. So i stayed alone in my house my friends had came over my house we decided to drink. That night my mom called to see how i was doing i tryed speaking normal but i was just too drunk.She notice that something wasn't right about me so she send my dad to come see what was wrong. I told all my friends they had to leave they all ran out the house. Ihen like 20min later my dad comes i already had clean the house and tooken my self a shower.
when my dad walks in the house he starts looking for me i screamed "im in my room room pops". He opens my door tells me to get up and he starts smeeling around me i tell him i wasnt doing anything bad my mom is tripping. He leaves the house and back too the hospital when he gets there they tell him his mom has died already. He blamed it on me that he didnt even talk to his mom before she past away.and that has always been in my head and its the reason why i do the things i do now in this days. And still gets me in trouble with the law and end up in jail for months.
A Life Changing Experience By Elmer Barrera
Through out my short sixteen years of life I've lived and seen a lot of things that I don't think I'll ever forget. Many of which have created me in to the person I am today. But the one thing that completely affected me and changed my life was this.....
It all started September 18, 2005 family, friends and myself were at "The Azusa River"'. While being there I began feeling this tremendous headache that literally had me on my knees, the whole day I kept it to myself because I didn't want to ruin the day for anyone.
The next day, on a Monday, I woke up fine and went to school. After about an hour at school I began feeling that same headache so i went home, my mom and sister thought i was lying just to get out of school so nothing was done. The next was the same story so my mom decided to take me to the Doctor to see if there was truly anything wrong with me. When I went in to see the Doctor she didn't bother to take any test, she just said it was because I was overweight and sent me home. At home I told my mom that i know there's something wrong with me and she told me we'll wait and see.
The following day (Wednesday) as the pain was getting worse nothing changed it was exactly like the day before, I went to school, then home, then to the Doctor and when I was her she said the same thing, that it was because I was overweight.
At that point my mom and I were getting upset because she wasn't even taking the bother to check my blood or anything.we let another day go by hoping i would get better but as the next day came my headache became worse. So I went back to that Doctor hoping this time she would do her job, when I arrived there she saw me at the check-in stand and she came over with an attitude and said to the nurse there, "I am not going to see him!" then she walked away. As she walked away another Doctor that had over-heard came to me and said, "I'll see you". She quickly noticed that my skin was very pell, so she immediately asked the nurses to get blood counts and my blood sugar. After that was done she told me go home and I'll give you a call as soon as I get the results.
Once I got home there was a message on the voice machine, it was the Doctor. After hearing the message I broke down into tears, I couldn't believe what she had told me....I had Leukemia. Not only that but it had already spread to 90% of my blood, I was bound to had been dead by now if ir wasn't for this Doctor. Aside from God I'm very thankful for her that took the curtesy to see me.
At that point my mom and I were getting upset because she wasn't even taking the bother to check my blood or anything.we let another day go by hoping i would get better but as the next day came my headache became worse. So I went back to that Doctor hoping this time she would do her job, when I arrived there she saw me at the check-in stand and she came over with an attitude and said to the nurse there, "I am not going to see him!" then she walked away. As she walked away another Doctor that had over-heard came to me and said, "I'll see you". She quickly noticed that my skin was very pell, so she immediately asked the nurses to get blood counts and my blood sugar. After that was done she told me go home and I'll give you a call as soon as I get the results.
Once I got home there was a message on the voice machine, it was the Doctor. After hearing the message I broke down into tears, I couldn't believe what she had told me....I had Leukemia. Not only that but it had already spread to 90% of my blood, I was bound to had been dead by now if ir wasn't for this Doctor. Aside from God I'm very thankful for her that took the curtesy to see me.
It all started when i was at school in i had got into a fight after the fight i thought it was all over until they came to my house my mom was there my brother in my sister in my cousin it was so sad because my granny was too they took me to jail i thought i was never going to get out but i did in due to the fact i was scared it didnt even matter because when i got out i was going back for her again but when i got out i went to court in i was placed on house aresst in then they placed me on probataion in that right there messed up everything i was so upset but i new that she had it comeing because i didnt even kno in i was the only one that got in trouble but when i got out i went up to the school in i had anouther fight with her it made me feel so good but i was still in trouble but i new why i did learn my lession that jail is no fun in trust me i dont want to spend none of my time in therebut from that day on i never did nothing else
The Home I Cherish/The Experience I Won't Forget by Phylicia Holloway
The house I cherish is the house I live in, its pretty big peach two story house it has a nice size living room and a nice size den with a nice tan and brown marble kitchen the living room has green smooth carpet and cream flowered furniture. The den has dark brown furniture in it its like a chill spot for people when they come over. Then upstairs theres three bedrooms, my room, my parents room, and a guest room the rooms are a nice size, very spacey I have my own bathroom with a burgundy steam shower and a medium jacuzzi the bathroom is burgandy its very nice. I have evrything I ever wanted in this house and I cherish it because my grandad bought that house and made sure everything I ever wanted was in there and I will forever cherish this house.
The Experience I Won't Forget
The experience I won't forget is when I fell and busted my head open. I was playing with my cousin and I was already a dare devil so I liked to do exciting stuff that I know nobody would want to do so we were playing and she picked me up and when she tryed to put me down she dropped me . I was about 10 when this happened and I will never forget it there was blood everywhere. I was rushed to the hospital I had to stay for a day, I got stitches and I had to keep a icepack on my head. It was a horrible experience for me but I learned from it and I never did anything like that again .Im happy nothing really bad happened to me and that im here today to tell people about it.

The Experience I Won't Forget
The experience I won't forget is when I fell and busted my head open. I was playing with my cousin and I was already a dare devil so I liked to do exciting stuff that I know nobody would want to do so we were playing and she picked me up and when she tryed to put me down she dropped me . I was about 10 when this happened and I will never forget it there was blood everywhere. I was rushed to the hospital I had to stay for a day, I got stitches and I had to keep a icepack on my head. It was a horrible experience for me but I learned from it and I never did anything like that again .Im happy nothing really bad happened to me and that im here today to tell people about it.
The Unexpected.! : ) By: Arely.!
A few month ago I discovered something that i knew would change the rest of my life. I wasn't really expecting all this to happen and that's the reason why I was really depressed. My first choice was to have an abortion. I was unsure about it at first but then I thought I had no choice but to abort. When I started feeling worse about the situation I had a talk with a close friend. She seemed happy that I was going to have a child. That's when I realized I was going to make a huge mistake. She made me seethe truth. It didnt really matter what people were going to think of me. After a while i decided to go to the doctor with the so called "father". The doctor told me I was going to have twins. I was very happy. I took it as a blessing. The bright side of it was that not everyone has the chance to have two beautiful children at once. At this point I was more relieved about me being pregnant. Everything started getting better when my mother confronted me. She asked me and all I had to say was "yes". All I needed was her support and there I had it, but it's a fucking rollercoaster. All the ups and downs and not having the support from the one person you really want and need it from. Even with out that person I'm still here. Now all I really need to worry about is school and my two little ones.! And now all of a sudden someone came along. Some who I really didnt expect to be by my side.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Fight! by Alfredo Garcia
I remember one time I was playing with my friend and my brother , till I heard my friend run to the back yard and tell his dad about some people that were walking by the side walk in the front of my house . His dad walked to the front and started arguing with three other guys that were his enemies. I remember one of them pulled out a knife and tryed to attack my friends dad and the other guys that were with him came to the front to help him out and then his enemies had more people coming and they pulled out weapons from the car and the riot began. That is something I will never forget because that was the craziest thing Ive ever seen.
It was hard to keep track of the fight because of all the people fighting but I saw some people get stabbed, some ran away and I remember my friends dad figfhting someone but the thing is his nose was bleeding but at the same time the other guy got hit in the face several times and then ran away. After that guy ran away his friend came and attacked his dad and he picked up a rake and couldove saverely hurt him. But luckily my dad helped him by grabbing the stick away from my friends dad so my dad ended up being involved in the riot. I saw a bunch of people hurt and eventually everyone left except two guys. I remember the police came and they were going to take my friends dad to jail but they didnt because there was witnesses saying he didnt do nothing. So they took the other guys to jail and I came home and started my brothers what happened and thats all I remember.
It was hard to keep track of the fight because of all the people fighting but I saw some people get stabbed, some ran away and I remember my friends dad figfhting someone but the thing is his nose was bleeding but at the same time the other guy got hit in the face several times and then ran away. After that guy ran away his friend came and attacked his dad and he picked up a rake and couldove saverely hurt him. But luckily my dad helped him by grabbing the stick away from my friends dad so my dad ended up being involved in the riot. I saw a bunch of people hurt and eventually everyone left except two guys. I remember the police came and they were going to take my friends dad to jail but they didnt because there was witnesses saying he didnt do nothing. So they took the other guys to jail and I came home and started my brothers what happened and thats all I remember.
Experiences with Technology By Geneva
My earliest experiences with technology were with a i215 chirp. The chirp was invented the year 2005. The chirp was the hottest thing out. I enjoyed my i215 ! the thing i loved about the i215 where we converse by speaker. My next technology system my mom purchased was play station 2. I really didnt play my play station because i had other things i was doing. I only got a play station just because my cousin i had one. During my high school years i took a computer course. it was the best class i ever took, because i always wanted to learn about how computers work.i learned how to use powerpoint, and word in microsoft office. I learned how to save as and attach by email, to send off to another person. The year 2010 i got a fancy phone called the my touch slide. On the my touch slide to you are able to access text, email, facebook, and download applications. The my touch is a 3G smart phone, so much has developed in the technology world.
how technology has change EFRAIN LOPEZ
How technology has change I remember when I was younger I would play video games. I had the super nintendo,When I would put the cassette I would have blow on it to clean it. Now technology has changed, they have all kinds of systems you can even play online. Also you can play with people all over the world, you can watch movies, even use the internet. It's basically a computer. Back hen Irember when i had a cassette play n i would put the tape and hear my music and when the tape would finsh i would trun it around and would hear it again now i have my phone so can hear all kind of music no that how technology has change in my life
When i had A old phone
I REMEMBER when i got my 1st phone i_50 that was A big brick phone also a pieace of junk because you really can"t do anything with it but talk on it so i had to upgrade to an i285 something better like the feature are much better because it have an mirror on the back in have cool games internet that is faster it also don't get that hot as. the last one did it's also small is one of those phone can fit up nd side your pocket the last one didn't
NOOOOO MORE VCR ND DVDS PLAYERS NOW I HAVE AN PS3 that play movies game it get the internet nd you can do alot of cool stuff on there like you are on A mini labtop because
NOOOOO MORE VCR ND DVDS PLAYERS NOW I HAVE AN PS3 that play movies game it get the internet nd you can do alot of cool stuff on there like you are on A mini labtop because
aLL abOuT me!!!!
uM mAh NaM3 Iz JaMiLLa JoHnSoN. iM 18 y3aRz YoUnG. I wIll b3 19 In ApRiL oN dA 24.I lIv3 iN lOnG b3aCh oN dA nOrTh SiD3. i lOv3 mAh cItY SoO mUcH!!! W3LL tO d3sCrIb3 MySeLf Im 5'3 I WeiGhT 118 pOuNdZ Of PuR3 BoMbn3sS lOl. iM sMaRt aNd Sw33t SuMtIm3s.i lOv3 mAtH aNd MoN3Y wH3N i Go To CoLLaG3 I wAnT tO mAjOr In fInAnC3 AnD B3CoM3 A bAnKeR sUm DaY.I hAv3 tHr33 sIsT3R aNd SiX bRoTh3rz i sTaY wItH mY mOm AnD mAh dAd. i lOv3 hOt SaUc3 TaPAiTo iZ dA b3sT Im Att3nDiNg A cHaT3R hIgH sKoOl On 59tH aNd FiG.ItS a Pr3ttY kOoL sKoOL............................
my life with technology by DIamond Miles
my life with technology is pretty good first i stared off with my big brother phone it's and old phone thay use to have out called chirp and it was little and had little bottons that you had to push to talk and i really did not like that thing it was ugly and small and you had to push them little bottons to talk that was really dum and also when i did talk on the phone it use to make a dum noise when people talk back and you really didn't no what thay be talking about but that was a long time ago when i was about 8 year's old what i also learned about technology is it could also ruining people life and mess up the relatonship with your family also and dealing with technology it's pretty cool but at times it kound of get boring like the old phone i had was a verizon and it was kound of getin dum to use cause at times it will cut off on me and i will get mad and throw the phone on the flow them phones came out in 2006 the verizon phones the chrip also came out in 2004 that's when the chrip came out there were very poplar and averybody was getin them and useing them also its the other technology but it's a game called play staton 1'2 and that was the most poplar game and when my mother got that for me i was on it averyday and didnt really pay attention to anything cause i was to worried about the game thats why i said technology could basically get you into trouble also got in up and fights and hateing your family
Techonolgy as a lifestyle By Elmer Barrera
In my sixteen years I've seen how technology has adapted to a lifestyle, how we went from chirping to video talk, how we've gone from black and white movies to 3D movies, how we went from dial-up Internet to wireless Internet. All these things have made a significant change in how we live our lives today.
I remember as a kid I was so excited when i got my first portable cassette player, I felt all cool listening to my tapes. Then I upgraded to a CD player and i saw the cassette player like a piece of garbage, it was a huge brick compared to a CD player. I was actually able to skip tp the next track unlike the cassette player. Looking back from now its like WOW! what a huge change. I'm now able to listen to music on my phone, I could put up to like 2,000 songs and even listen to radio on it.
Things like this are the things that have changed our lifestyle, whether your a musician or just a fan it has made it easier to listen to what you like where ever you go.
5 Simple Steps On How To Do A Regular Stance Kickflip
By: Jacques Dimitriou
Step 1: Have your left hand on the nose of your skateboard. Star trunning (not fast, at a slow paste for like a second) scrape the tail of the skateboard on the ground and extend your left foot out and jump on the board with your left foot on the front bolts and your right foot on the back bolts.
Step 2: You put your front foot behind the front bolts and your back foot on the part of the tail that curves up but have your back foot turnd a little to the right.
Step 3: How low you bend your knees kind of determins how high you want your kickflip to be. So bend your knees however low you want them to be.
Step 4: After bending your knees you have to pop your tail by putting pressure on your back foot and press it down with force. Then you flick your front foot off the the part of your nose that curves up.
Step 5: Now after doing those 4 steps and the board is flipping under your feet keep your knees bent and look for the black grip tape. When you see the grip tape you extend your legs straight and land and roll away with SWAGG.
Step 1: Have your left hand on the nose of your skateboard. Star trunning (not fast, at a slow paste for like a second) scrape the tail of the skateboard on the ground and extend your left foot out and jump on the board with your left foot on the front bolts and your right foot on the back bolts.
Step 2: You put your front foot behind the front bolts and your back foot on the part of the tail that curves up but have your back foot turnd a little to the right.
Step 3: How low you bend your knees kind of determins how high you want your kickflip to be. So bend your knees however low you want them to be.
Step 4: After bending your knees you have to pop your tail by putting pressure on your back foot and press it down with force. Then you flick your front foot off the the part of your nose that curves up.
Step 5: Now after doing those 4 steps and the board is flipping under your feet keep your knees bent and look for the black grip tape. When you see the grip tape you extend your legs straight and land and roll away with SWAGG.
What I went Through By: Natasha
An experience that I had and it changed my life, was when I first got my tattoo. I was fifteen year old, my mom took me to go get it done, So I wouldn't get it behind her back. My first tattoo was three stars behind my ear.So since that day I wanted more and more, I guess you could say "I like tattoos". So after that day I waited maybe a year and I got another tattoo in my back,Its a heart with flowers on the side of it, The heart is empty, and it might look like its not done but thats the way I wanted it, but in the middle of the heart I wanted to write my grandpas name because he means alot to me and right now he's really sick.
I have another tattoo no my lower back to the right side, I have some music notes, because to me music is life,I think with out any music the world would be pretty boring. So in total I have three tattoo's and my mom knows about all three of them.
The way it changed my life was because, my own family was saying that im going to become a lowlife, that I am going to become like my mother, because my mom is full of tattoo's and she didn't finish school.So they say iam going to be the same. I'd never think my own family would of said something like that about me.So I am proving them wrong, I made it this far and I am not going to give up what I've done. It's also sad because i tought they'll be there for me no matter what but i guess not. So I am not going to become a lowlife and just give up in school. So far I've been proving them worng about me and made them stop talking aout me. So thats why it changed my life, towards my family!
Mee && Myy Ex boyfriend
I had met a person and I thought that he was the best ever. So many smiles and laughs, having fun together. Somtimes you feel so loved u don't know how to let go. But it all ended with anger and hate we don't talk and we're not friends.One of my very close friends always makes it better. She knows just what to say helps me understand that i'm too young to be in a serious relationship or to know anything about it.That one thing helps me know i'm not ready for a relationship. I have alot to know and learn especially to have all the fun in my life.It really feels good when you could do whatever you want and nobody telling you anything.
When we started being together we always use too go out and have fun we would laugh for everything.I was shy at frist but days when by and I started getting use too him.There was never a reason for us to argue or fight we thought it was stupid.It was like the best 2 months we had a party for his niece 5 birthday,the night was so much fun we took pictures and dance all night.Everybody had fun it was a family and friends
When we started being together we always use too go out and have fun we would laugh for everything.I was shy at frist but days when by and I started getting use too him.There was never a reason for us to argue or fight we thought it was stupid.It was like the best 2 months we had a party for his niece 5 birthday,the night was so much fun we took pictures and dance all night.Everybody had fun it was a family and friends
Bill's Room
In Bill's Big room ,you can see little hats on the walls. A big plasma TV to watch.So many square pictures of my family.You can also hear loud music in the big room.When you walk the wooden squeky floor sound wierd.You can also,smell the strong cholon in the Big room.You may also have a taste of cherry in your mouth.outside the Big room you can hear loud ,noisy cars passing by. Also you can hear the wind blowing the old trees.In the nice room you can touch the warm, nice bed to lay down on. And also touch the long controller to watch the new plasma Tv.
I remember My first expirience when i road my first Bike i was about 5 years old it was hard at first because i keeped falling off the bike. But then i started getting use to it and was having fun riding it . I would b riding my bike fast and strat doing tricks in the park.I remember when i grew out of it i grew taller and bigger so i needed a new bike and i remember the first time i road my first bike
I remember My first expirience when i road my first Bike i was about 5 years old it was hard at first because i keeped falling off the bike. But then i started getting use to it and was having fun riding it . I would b riding my bike fast and strat doing tricks in the park.I remember when i grew out of it i grew taller and bigger so i needed a new bike and i remember the first time i road my first bike
Everything I regret In Fremont By Edwin Castaneda
One thing I won't forget about my life is getting kicked out from Fremont High School. I learn that getting kicked out from a school isn't good. Everything I've done bad in Fremont,I regret. But sometimes it's better to make mistakes at first, so that later you wont do em again. I should of done my best from beginging to senoir year. Adviseing other should be a great idea for me, I'm a good example, so other won't be in the same situation like me. Now that I'm attending Youthbuild Charter Shool, Im going to give it my best. My accomplishment is to increase my credits, so that I could attented a regular school. I'm not planning on going back to Fremont, if so I might end up in the same situation as I am right now. Once I get all my credits, I plan on attending another school, I'm still undecided. My goal for this senoir year is to graduate so I can get a better life. I want to make the best out of life. Father and mother always give me advise, so that I won't make the same mistake they did. So my accomplishment is to graduate from a regular school. When I gradaute I'm going to leave California, and move to new york to start college over there. Also, my goal is to be professional soccer player. I love and enjoy playin that sport since I was five years old, that's why I plan on beinging a proffesional soccer player
Hollywood High Sesh
By: Jacques Dimitriou
One day me and my homie wanted to go skate Hollywood High School , so we watched a little T.V., played some Midnight Club (L.A. Edition), and ate some food. After we did all that, we got ready, I hoped in the shower, brushed my teeth, and got my skateboard ready. Then we left my house, skated to the train station on Wilshire and Vermont and got on the red line to Hollywood and Highland .
I put my I-Pod on, went to my playlists, then went to On-The-Go, and pressed play. We went up the escalators and skated to Hollywood high, we went to the front of the school with the 5 stairs and the 8 stairs. We skated them did a few tricks. Then I wanted to switch Ollie the 8 so I went for it and I had gone to close to the wall and when I did it I ran into it in mid air. I had hurt myself so I stopped skating.
My homie, Jaquan, wanted to do the 12 stairs on the side of the school. So we went and he looked at them a few times then looked at me and said this is for “Janiah” (my little sister). He went back and took a deep breath and did them first go. He did them 2 times after that so he got them 3 times in a row.
He had suggested me to do them I had said “NO” then I walked down the stairs, out of no were he called me a pussy. I really hate when people call me names so I walked backed up them and looked back at them and went for them. My feet was not positioned right and I ate S*^T and snapped my skateboard. He started to laugh but he didn’t know I was really hurt until he walked down the stairs. He had helped me up and we walked to the train station.
He had suggested me to do them I had said “NO” then I walked down the stairs, out of no were he called me a pussy. I really hate when people call me names so I walked backed up them and looked back at them and went for them. My feet was not positioned right and I ate S*^T and snapped my skateboard. He started to laugh but he didn’t know I was really hurt until he walked down the stairs. He had helped me up and we walked to the train station.
We had gone back to my house, He practically lived with us, and he started to play the game and I just went to sleep. A few hours went by and I woke up. When I woke up I realized that that was the biggest thing I had ever went for, the first skateboard I had ever snapped, and the first time I actually hurt myself. Then I turned out that I was really happy.
By: Jacques Dimitriou
When walking down my block there’s a sound of chirping birds going “Chirp, chirp”, wind blowing through the tall pine trees, the smell of fresh pine cones, and sometimes even barbeque fresh off the grill. Feeling the ground beneath your feet, the wind blowing through your hair. Looking at the big houses, people saying “Hello” to one another.
House’s looking down at you a cheetah staring down his pray. The wind keeping you conferred like a friend. The cars roaring down the street as a king lion protecting his jungle. The green grass growing day in and day out like a kid hitting his growth spur. Dogs barking at nothing but its self. You looking down the street like there’s no tomorrow.
When hitting the end of my street, there’s my neighborhood. Seeing different faces, different cars, different houses like as if you just woke up in a new world. Seeing the different cars going “zoom……zoom” down the street. Herring kids laugh, playing basketball on a bootleg court. Feeling bugs hitting your hand like someone trying to get your attention.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
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