Tuesday, February 22, 2011

November 7,2007

Nov 7, 2007 was the worst day of my life and i also felt as if it was the
last day of my life. On Nov 7, 2007 around 3:00 am my aunt recieved
the most devastating phone call of the day. It was the hospital informing
her that her sister had past. So waking me out of my sleep in the middle
of the night, telling me that my mother had past. Felt like the baddest
dream ever. But what only made it worst was that it wasnt a dream it
was real life. From that day on i felt like i lost the most important person
in my life. Not only did i lose my mother but i lost my best friend ,my
heart and my most visible creater. Which means my creater besides god.
I never knew how it felt to lose someone that close to you, but i knew it
wouldnt be the best thing to experience. As i grew older i grew to understand
that shes now in a better place. So from that day foward i learned that
everything and everyone doesnt last forever. Thats why we have to just
live and learn and always be grateful for what we do and what we dont have.
And for those who are in our life and willing to help us .

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