Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The first time i got busted it was June 3rd,2010 . I woke up from a long night knowing that i had three buses back to the valley so i rushed to get dressed , brushed my teeth and washed my face ,so as I'm walking to my brothers room to let him know i was leaving but before i could make it to his room i remembered i left something back in the guess room . I turned around and sprinted to the room reached under the bed and picked "it" up, threw it in my back pack with relief on my face thinking i almost left "it" ' now im walking back to my brother's room and knocked on his door and quickly opened it and said "A BRO IM GONE"! waking him he replies "iight bruh be careful" ok bro" i said as I'm walking out the door. Walking to the bus stop i see one of my closes boys, shook his hand and continued walking now I'm waiting on the bus , still sleepy i lean back on the bus stop bench and closed my eyes, when the bus came i didn't even notice it but when i opened my eyes i quickly jumped up and wlaked on. After showing the driver my pass i walked to the back of the bus , sat down and leand my head on the window resting my eyes , when i finally made it to the Persian square station i walked off the bus saying thank you to the driver , now I'm walking down stairs to the trains. When i got almost to the platform one of the female officers asked to see my ticket , i didnt have one so i showed her my school bus pass and she let me go, as im walking off taking a deep breath a sheriff  stopped me and asked to see my pass again so i took it out my wallet giving it to him , after he looked at it he said "do you know you are required to have i.d with these kind of bus passes or its invalid" ,replying i say "no sir i wasn't aware of that". The officer started walking closer to me grabbing my back pack , i gripped the straps on it looking at him crazy so he snatched it off me and started opening it, taking everything out when he got to the bottom i seen his face change, im started sweating a 'lil and he took out my brand new all crome 2.5 hand gun eith the black handle , asking me me what im doin with it  i just turned around and leaned up against the wall ,put my hands behind my back and said "lets go , im ready"

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