Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What I went Through By: Natasha

An experience that I had and it changed my life, was when I first got my tattoo. I was fifteen year old, my mom took me to go get it done, So I wouldn't get it behind her back. My first tattoo was three stars behind my ear.So since that day I wanted more and more, I guess you could say "I like tattoos". So after that day I waited maybe a year and I got another tattoo in my back,Its a heart with flowers on the side of it, The heart is empty, and it might look like its not done but thats the way I wanted it, but in the middle of the heart I wanted to write my grandpas name because he means alot to me and right now he's really sick.
 I have another tattoo no my lower back to the right side, I have some music notes, because to me music is life,I think with out any music the world would be pretty boring. So in total I have three tattoo's and my mom knows about all three of them.

 The way it changed my life was because, my own family was saying that im going to become a lowlife, that I am going to become like my mother, because  my mom is full of tattoo's  and she didn't finish school.So they say iam going to be the same. I'd never think my own family would of said something like that about me.So I am proving them wrong, I made it this far and I am not going to give up what I've done. It's also sad because i tought they'll be there for me no matter what but i guess not. So I am not going to become a lowlife and just give up in school. So far I've been proving them worng about me and made them stop talking aout me. So thats why it changed my life, towards my family!

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