Tuesday, February 22, 2011

FAR AWAY!!! by: Shavonna Dailey

I remember when I was around 3 years old my mother Patricia A. Owens used to be the one I looked up to. Everynight when my dad wanted to take me to his house I would cry and beg to go home. He really hated when I did that, I guess he wanted to spend time with me. Then when I finally got back home and seen my mama my frown turned downside up. My mother was my role model. I loved her so much and never wanted to be away from her.

My mother meant the world to me and I meant the world to her, until the day I had to see her in the hospital and hear her tell me "Shavonna I want you to stay sweet and treat Izzie Lee nice I Love You so much Tugga Wugga you're mommy's little angel" Then she kissed me and gave me a hug.

One sunny morning my aunt Izzie took me to 115th and Vermont everybody was dressed up and smelling good then I asked her " Auntie where we at? Where my mommy at?" All my aunt could do was ignore my question. As we walked in the place, I seen my mom laying in a pretty box. I didn't understand at the time what was going on until I got around 8 years old.

Now im 17 and my life has changed dramaticly. I have no one to look up to. It's hard not to have a mother. No matter what goes on in my life I will never forget my mom. My dad doesn't care about me, but I don't care I have God and Faith to keep my head up.

I don't go a day without thinking about my mother I still find myself crying over her. I loved her unconditionally and I always will, until the day my soul is layed to rest. I LOVE YOU MOMMY AND IT'S HARD IN THIS WORLD WITHOUT YOU, SOMETIMES I WISH I WAS UP THERE WITH YOU...

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