The Home I Cherish/The Experience I Won't Forget by Phylicia Holloway
The house I cherish is the house I live in, its pretty big peach two story house it has a nice size living room and a nice size den with a nice tan and brown marble kitchen the living room has green smooth carpet and cream flowered furniture. The den has dark brown furniture in it its like a chill spot for people when they come over. Then upstairs theres three bedrooms, my room, my parents room, and a guest room the rooms are a nice size, very spacey I have my own bathroom with a burgundy steam shower and a medium jacuzzi the bathroom is burgandy its very nice. I have evrything I ever wanted in this house and I cherish it because my grandad bought that house and made sure everything I ever wanted was in there and I will forever cherish this house.
The Experience I Won't Forget
The experience I won't forget is when I fell and busted my head open. I was playing with my cousin and I was already a dare devil so I liked to do exciting stuff that I know nobody would want to do so we were playing and she picked me up and when she tryed to put me down she dropped me . I was about 10 when this happened and I will never forget it there was blood everywhere. I was rushed to the hospital I had to stay for a day, I got stitches and I had to keep a icepack on my head. It was a horrible experience for me but I learned from it and I never did anything like that again .Im happy nothing really bad happened to me and that im here today to tell people about it.
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