Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The expiernce that changed me. By:Jose Tostado

One expiernce that changed me was when i first got shot at .What happened was me and three of my friends were hanging out in the block like around 10:00pm . We were just having fun you know doing our thing shooting dices and conversating bumping music.When  two car's roll up and one guy gets off one car from the back seat  then the second guy jump's out the second car in i gave my friends the heads up and let them know that the enemies is runing up straped up with aka's but one of the homies thought i was joking around  like always and they start shooting at us from across the street wich is like 13 feets away i guess it was the homies turn to go visit hell or heven who knows but one thing i do know they cought my boy  sleaping. Me and the other two friends that made it threw the shoot out went their own ways one got home and the other homie chucky was getting chase all over the hood and i just happend to end up by my girls house so you know i did my thing . Evantually we got the guys  who did my boy like that.They ended up getting gunned down two weeks later sleaping in they nighborhood.I learned alot from it espicially the way i lost a friend torse gangbanging ."If you want to last be the first to blast". Now i look all ways from  left to  right when i step out my house becaouse things is hot in the block you got to stay on your toes at all times an other words becarefull out there in the danger zone.I  stair at every single car that passes by me quick to identify who they are.An other words i lost all the trust i had torse the block i got to be real  carefull now if you know what i mean.Who ever is out ther gangbanging  hey all i got to say is  becarefull and keep it gangster.

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