Wednesday, February 23, 2011

7major steps to fix a flat from a bike. By:Jose Tostado

  1. Flip your bike over upside down. Thehandle bars and seat have to be in the floor holding up your bike so the weels would be ready to screw off.
  2. Grab the ranch and unscrew the screws off the weel that haves the flat.
  3. Once you took both screws off the weel grab your tire and remove it of the rim with one hand grab your tire with the other hand grab the rim in the tire well pop out one side then you pop the other side out by pulling the tire off the rim.
  4. Once you the tire off the rim then you well put in the new inner tube that you bought for your flat tire.inside the tire then carefully put in the tire  with the iner tube inside on the rim.
  5. Once you have the tire in the rim you follow the next step wich is  grabbing your ranch and the two scres you screwed off the weel.
  6. Once you have in hand youre tool place the weel  back on the bike. Once its in you know whats next screw in the screws but real hard and tight.
  7. Then finally final step to fix a flat on a bike is grab your air pump an put it in the tube from your nike.Lock the pump so the air well only  go inside the flat tire. pump real hard intell you feel  your tire hard enough.

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