Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the crazy life by Dominique Taylor

One day on a friday i went to school. When lunch started i went to hang with my friends we start talking and we decided to go to a party that night. When school was over we all went home to get ready for the party. The party started at seven o clock.We finished getting dressed at five o clock. My friends came to my house when they finished getting dressed. When they got too my house we chilled and played games intill the party started. Finally it was almost time to party soo we caught the bus there. We got there and stated partying and having fun. The party was over at tweleve o clock. When the party was over we went to the bus stop we waited at the bus stop for like twenty mintues next thing you know a dark red car drove pass and start shooting at us we all duck.When the car finally drove pass we got up and start running. When we were running we was telling each other is everybody ok and if anybody was shot.Luckaly nobody was shot so we went to the next street and caught the bus. We got on the bu and start talking about what happend.When we got home we told everybody. People was soo glad that we dident get shot. I lerned that life is no joke and that theres no need to party late if my only ride is the bus.

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