Tuesday, February 15, 2011

5 Simple Steps On How To Do A Regular Stance Kickflip

                                       By: Jacques Dimitriou

Step 1: Have your left hand on the nose of your skateboard. Star trunning (not fast, at a slow paste for like a second) scrape the tail of the skateboard on the ground and extend your left foot out and jump on the board with your left foot on the front bolts and your right foot on the back bolts.

Step 2: You put your front foot behind the front bolts and your back foot on the part of the tail that curves up but have your back foot turnd a little to the right.

Step 3: How low you bend your knees kind of determins how high you want your kickflip to be. So bend your knees however low you want them to be.

Step 4: After bending your knees you have to pop your tail by putting pressure on your back foot and press it down with force. Then you flick your front foot off the the part of your nose that curves up.

Step 5: Now after doing those 4 steps and the board is flipping under your feet keep your knees bent and look for the black grip tape. When you see the grip tape you extend your legs straight and land and roll away with SWAGG.

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